Month: May 2008

  • Phillies Part 2

    Figures. I talk about how well the Phillies are doing and they lose tonight. Good thing they play 162 games a year. Some manager once said that every major league baseball team, no matter how good, would lose a third of their games. And every team, no matter how bad, would win a third of their games. It was what you do with the other third that determines where you stand at the end of the year. That seems to be true. So in a log season, you don't stress one loss.

    Can you see any spiritual applications there?

  • Phillies

    The Phillies are playing unbelievably lately. Their offense is amazingly potent. Tonight, their starting pitcher gave up three runs in the top of the first. So before they came to bat they were down three. The response? Score SEVEN in the bottom of the second. Ridiculous.

    I've been a Philadelphia sports fan, specifically the Phillies and the Eagles, all my life. We've now officially gone 25 years(!) without a championship parade. Part of the legacy passed on to me from my father - and that I've passed on to my children - is disappointment at the end of every sports season. We're cynical by now, but we still have to continue to cheer for them. It's in our blood.

    Btw, as I'm typing this, they just scored another run making it 8-3. Go Phils!

  • Big words

    Want to do a quiz? I used the word "misogynistic" in my last post.

    Did you:

    1. Already know what misogynistic meant?
    2. Looked up the word misogynistic so you knew what it meant? (bonus points if you then used it later in the day to impress someone)
    3. Skipped it and kind of guessed what misogynistic meant?
    4. Thought I was stupid/goofy/weird/pretentious (shoot! I did it again!) for using a word like misogynistic in the first place?

    Don't you love vocabulary?

  • Tying up some loose ends

    I'd forgotten that I'd told Narelle that I would share the story behind my screen name. It's pretty simple really. Tara set this blog up for me originally since everyone was doing so in those days (8/5/2004). When she asked me what I wanted as a screen name, she stipulated that it had to be something creative, not just first initial + last name or whatever. So since I like Spider-Man and since I'm her Dad .... well, you can probably figure it out. 

    Also, as for the Curious George quote, that wasn't meant to be misogynistic. The narrator on the cartoon often says these very dry comments that I find funny. This one related to George and his friend the neighbor girl both thinking of the same idea at the same time. But I did expect a little more of a heated discussion.

    So that's it.....

  • Today's Inspiring Quote

    "Sometimes girls and monkeys think exactly alike."

    Heard on Curious George while getting Dylan his cereal this morning

    So now you know ...

  • Lots of kissing going on!

    I told Paige I'd put some pictures online of Bev and me kissing. It's probably my favorite photo topic!  We have more than this, but some need to be scanned. Maybe someday.

    One of my goals in life is to show people that passion doesn't end at the altar - or it shouldn't anyway! Married people - especially married Christian people - should have the most vibrant and passionate love lives. It doesn't mean it's always perfect, but I want my kids (and anyone else who's looking) to see that we love each other.

    So on with the show ...

    zoo 102-1   zoo 103-1 

    Old Fashioned 091  jj-wedding 059-1


    This last one isn't us kissing, but it's a nice photo. We stayed at a bed and breakfast in Intercourse (ha ha - people in Lancaster county can say that without flinching!).


  • So tell me ....

    What's the story behind your screen name? 

  • Movie night

    Bev and I went to see Iron Man the other night. In a word ..... SWEEEET! If you like superhero movies (and I do!), you'll like this one. Cool action scenes, a good human interest side plot, some funny moments (the last line of the movie is great). 

    Did anyone else see it?

  • In your opinion who is the greatest actor of all time?

    It's tough to name just one. It's hard to top Jimmy Stewart. I also like Humphrey Bogart and Harrison Ford.


    I just answered this Featured Question, you can answer it too!

  • The Conversation

    Conscience: You are very evil!
    Me: What?? What are you talking about?

    Conscience: You are a very bad blogger! Bad!
    Me: Wh... Why? What did I do?

    Conscience: You can't do "Two Truths and a Lie" questions and then not give answers for almost a month! Don't you realize there are people all over the world who've done nothing for weeks but eagerly hit "refresh" on your Xanga page in hopes that you would update?
    Me: Well, I have been sort of busy...

    Conscience: You've taken time to sleep, haven't you?
    Me: I sleep like six minutes a night!

    Conscience: And eat?
    Me: Ok, you got me on that one.

    Conscience: And don't you make a cup of coffee each day?
    Me: Coffee! Ew, that sounds like a good idea. I think I'll go get some now! ::heart rate increasing in anticipation::

    Conscience: Get back here! I'm not finished with you yet.
    Me: Well, hurry up. The coffee is calling.

    Conscience: Anyway, what's up with the super glue on the rabbit and Bev's face and the backpack?
    Me: Well, I didn't really know if people would have a hard time guessing the right answer (although a lot of them did). I just picked them because, like any good Irishman would like, they were pretty good stories.

    Conscience: So which one is true?
    Me: I'd tell  you, but it will be easier if we ditch the "
    Conscience:/Me:" format ...

    Conscience: Hmmm, ok, but only if you really tell the stories.

    As I drift back from the hazy land of weirdness .....

    Here are the answers:

    The story of the super-glued rabbit
    Once upon a time, we bought Greg a rabbit for a pet and named it Ginger Ale. She was kind of cool and got huge! I mean, she looked like a radioactive mutation.

    Ginger Ale lived out back. One day Bev noticed some open sores on the rabbit's side. Bev put peroxide on them, only to be horrified to realize that there were worms in the sores! Wait, it gets worse.

    In a nutshell, there's this problem that rabbits (and, I suppose other mammals) can develop. Flies lay eggs on the rabbit's fur. The rabbit licks its fur and ingests the eggs. The eggs hatch into larvae that then eat their way out of the rabbit! This we discovered when we took Ginger Ale to the vet. Dr. Veterinarian cleaned the rabbit up, cutting out the bad parts, and put staples in her sides to hold her together.

    Shortly thereafter, we went to Ginger Ale's cage to find that she had tried to pull on the staples and managed to get one end stuck in her lip and basically stapled her face to her side. We pulled the staple out with needle nosed pliers. She did it again a few days later, only this time ripped her lip open when we tried to help her and she yanked away.

    After the second incident, we figured enough was enough. We removed the rest of the staples and used super glue to close up the wounds. That worked very well - better than the staples, for sure. A doctor told us there's really no difference between super glue and medical glue.

    So number one is TRUE, leading us to ....

    The story of the super glued nose
    We have a Boston Terrier named Salem who likes to jump up and nip at your face if she gets too excited. She did this to Bev once and caught her nostril, tearing it. The cut wasn't long, but something needed to be done so it would heal nicely.

    Enter super glue. I got the handy tube and fixed the tear nicely so that the pieces matched up. Unfortunately, I did manage to glue my finger to her nose(!), but we just pulled that off (ouch!).

    Now several of you said that no woman would let an amateur glue her face. Hard as it is to believe, my wife apparently trusts me. Go figure.

    And last, the story of the super glued note
    I just made this up. There's no truth at all.


    So how did you do. Any feedback?