Month: April 2005

  • Our youth group is going to the Wilds
    for summer camp this year. The Wilds is an awesome place! We're doing
    some fundraisers this year, including a rummage sale May 14th. Come buy

  • Look Mary! Now you can tell one of your two jokes with an illustration!! 

  • Trying to catch up on what's happened in the recent past .......

    Last fall for hunting season, Greg and I went to Juniata county (County
    Juniata if we were in Ireland, but we can only wish, right?) to hunt on
    Shade Mountain. I took my wife's Chevy Astro because it's big enough
    to haul a deer if we could ever kill one.

    Anyway, I realized that taking a relatively nice minivan on mountain
    trails wasn't the best idea, so I started looking for some sort of
    older, inexpensive 4x4 vehicle. You can find some like that for about
    $1K - 1500.

    I knew a friend of mine had an old Chevy Blazer that he may have been
    trying to sell, so I emailed him about it. He said to call him and that
    I couldn't beat the price. Sounded promising. So anyway, to make a long
    story short, he ended up giving me the Blazer! Way cool! So now I have my 4x4. I told my family that it's a "man's truck".

    Greg and I used to joke about going to the gun store and all these
    other guys would be there in their trucks and SUVs and we'd pull in
    with our Ford Taurus. Now we can go there and fit right in. Ours even
    has some rust on it to make it look more masculine!

    Oh, and Tara had already stolen my Taurus anyway, so I really needed my own vehicle so that played into the decision.

  • As Kaitie said, I just read A Swiftly Tilting Planet by Madeline L'Engle. She's quite an interesting writer. Check her out if you get the chance. A Wrinkly in Time is one of my all-time favorites.

  • Ok, since Dad doesn't update very often, I decided to update for him. He's been cleaning a lot and stuff, for the yard sale.
    He had his birthday a few months ago. It was February 11th. But I won't
    say how old he turned - shhhh! Anyway, here's a picture of him and
    mom. Hope you like it! I'll try to convince Dad to do another update
    soon. Leave him lots of comments! -kaitie
    Mom and Dad (below)